Digital Art Gallery

Opal Eyes

The challenge of this piece was to create a character with the skin tone of my favorite color, and the eyes of my birthstone.

O and Y

It must be clarified that this piece, though drawn and conceived by me, was intentionally done in the style of artist Barry McGee. It was originally going to be a mural in a client’s home, but the commission did not go through.

An Alien Named “Anne Bell”

This was a project I worked on for fun. I wanted to experiment with bold color, abstract shapes, and stylized human faces.

I Make Monsters

“I Make Monsters” was my senior capstone project at William Jewell College, and this was the poster I designed for the event/theatrical presentation.

Uncle, I Love You

This is a portrait I drew of my Uncle Corey, who unfortunately lost his life when I was 9 years old. I made this piece to commemorate my memory of him.

My Eye

A simple semi-realistic eye which I made to push and prove the versatility of Procreate.


A portrait of a friend drawn in the style of a popular show called “My Hero Academia”.


I was diagnosed with OCD when I was 8 years old, and this was my attempt at illustrating what it feels like to be unable to “turn my brain off”.

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