
(816) 804-0299

Hannah White

I want to get my hands dirty, create, innovate, build, destroy, win, fail, inspire, and be inspired.”

Hannah is a costume designer, stage manager, artist, college graduate and Kansas City, Missouri native.

A recent graduate of William Jewell College, with a BA in Digital Media Communications & a Minor in Theater, Hannah has learned the value of hard work, perseverance and emotional intelligence. With a passion for art, specifically, creature fabrication and storytelling from a young age, Hannah knew she would be working in the arts. 

During her four years attending William Jewell College, Hannah was able to her expand her knowledge and love of theatre by assuming many different roles with Jewell Theatre Company (as Dr. McCoy always said: Theatre is an ensemble art form!). This included working on many productions; set construction for CARRIE: THE MUSICAL, set production and acting in Shakespeare’s MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING (gender-queer Borachio), set construction and acting in Grace Urquhart’s senior capstone production JACKRABBIT PAROLE, and as a costume designer in her own senior capstone I MAKE MONSTERS where she produced a life-size moa costume using self-taught traditional fabrication techniques.

In addition to her work on productions at Jewell, Hannah sought out opportunities to work on local productions in tandom with her studies. She was the Props Master for COMB, a short film Directed by upcoming Kansas City Director Jakob Roberts, and again as a SFX Artist and Script Supervisor for his short film MY MANNEQUIN CAN DANCE. 

She completed an internship with Amy Jackson, digital artist and owner of Salty Hippo Studio, where she was responsible for researching social media statistics, helping manage UI, user flow, create targeted ad campaigns, and run errands. In addition, she was able to work with multi-media art forms, such as screenprinting, mural painting, and display making because she voiced interest in both extending her skillset to help the studio, and expanding her knowledge in areas the studio specialized in.

Recently, she worked as a Stage Manager for Faust Theatre with their production of CARRIE: THE MUSICAL which required leadership and organizational skills, as well as the ability to meet sharp deadlines and work well under pressure. She made sure rehearsal reports were always sent out on time, kept track of call times, cast member’s schedules, ran errands, and relayed all information back to the owner/Director.

Due to her excellent work for Faust Theatre, she has been asked to return as Stage Manager for a production of FIDDLER ON THE ROOF that is currently in pre-production.

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